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DCC Questions


DCC stands for Direct Client to Client connection. When your using DCC, you usually connect to another client to send, get or chat, instead of going through the IRC Network. However, many of you experience some problems while doing so and might not be able to send or receive files normally. DCC Problems

  • First thing you should know is that if your IP address is not correct, you might not be able to transfer anything successfully. Use //dns $me and //echo -a $ip to check if both IP's are the same. If they aren't, then simply use /localinfo -u to match them up.
  • If your running any PC internet connection supporting software like proxies, firewalls, wingates, ICS or routers, users won't be able to connect to you in order to send or receive any files.

DCC Speed

There are many different kinds of things you can do to speed up your DCC transfers, including:

  • Get a faster modem. The faster the modem is, the faster your DCCs will go.
  • To speed up your DCC sessions, use /fsend on|off
  • Packetsize - the number of bytes that mIRC will send to another client in one packet. The minimum is 512 and the maximum is 8192. Use /dcc packetsize 8192
  • Pump DCC - sends N bytes ahead of sent data without waiting for the other client to reply. Use /pdcc on|off

Static IP Address

If you have a static IP (non-compliant stack), then your mIRC might not recognize it and so it won't find your Local Host and IP. Go to ALT + O > Local info > and uncheck 'Always get the Local host' and 'IP address'. Instead, type in your local host and IP address manually.

Dynamic IP Address

If you have a dynamic IP address (a different one each time you connect) then make sure that your mIRC recognizes your right Local host and IP address. Go to ALT + O > Local info and make sure that both your IP address and Local Host are correct.


The first thing you should make sure of when dealing with LANs is that your mIRC is receiving your external IP and not your internal. Usually, port forwarding is used to enable you to connect to the remote computer. Open two ports from the range of 1024 to 5000 from File > Options > DCC > Options.

You have to specify a few ports in your DCC options. Also, if your behind a Linux gateway, set your mIRC to 'normal lookup'. Access your router's configuration and forward all connections to those ports to forward to your Local IP Address. Then use /localinfo -u to match your router IP with your client.


You simply can't send any DCCs if you are behind a proxy server. Try /help /dccserver for information on how to bypass the reverse method of DCC.


Most, if not all firewalls block the needed ports for DCC sends. Use File > Options > DCC > Options and set the ports from the range of 1024 to 5000.

File Servers

You can use a File Server to share your files with your friends and other users. You open a server window enabling a user to look through the directory(s) to browse listings, change directories and read or get files.

Syntax: /fserve

You can specify the maximum number of files you wish for a user to get. 3 or 4 is a reasonable number. Use a .txt file for your "Welcome message", so that as soon as a user connects to you through fserve, the welcome message appears.

You won't be able to set up a server to yourself. Someone else has to do it. To set up a simple remote command, use ALT + R and type in your remotes:

On 1:server:/fserve $nick 3 <homedirectory>
Users can then use /ctcp yournickname server to activate the server.
For a list of commands, refer to:


DALnet has a new system of 'allowing' users to DCC you to prevent the spread of dangerous files without permission. Use the DCCAllow to allow the user you specify to send you a "dll", "ini", "scr", "exe", "shs", "pl", "js", "xls", "doc", "com", "mrc", "pif", "bat", "inc", and "vbs".


  • /dccallow +/-nickname
  • /dccallow list
  • /dccallow help

Written by xOxygen and revised by Moby