DALnet's Help Committee
The DALnet Help Committee's purpose is to ensure the overall quality of help given to DALnet users, be it in the form of online live assistance, email, diverse documentation or occasional public classes.
It is composed of the representatives of various help channels on DALnet, the EB and the webteam. The Main Help Team handles recommended help channel applications and related topics for the most part. There are also a number of subteams responsible for the other areas under the guidance of the Help Committee. The Team Leaders are always part of the main Help Team.
Currently the subteams are:
Main Help Team - (hc@dal.net)
Documentation - (docs@dal.net)
#OperHelp Management - (operhelp@dal.net)
Help Web Team - http://help.dal.net/ (help-www@dal.net)
Events - (events@dal.net)
HelpDesk Team - (help@dal.net)
The Help Committee is not responsible for the action of the recommended help channel ops. Complaints should be directed to the respective channel founder or management.
While the Help Committee is responsible for recommending help channels, it should be noted that it does not accept any applications for non-IRC related topics, with the possible exception of technical
assistance. We reserve the right to refuse an application at our discretion.
In order to apply for the recommended help channel status, the channel founder has to thoroughly read, understand and agree to the *Help Channel Guidelines* and then email the *Help Channel Application* to the Main Help Team at hc@dal.net.
Channel Guidelines
Help Channel Application
Please do not send applications if you are not totally serious about making a long standing commitment to the DALnet community. Managing a well working help channel is not an easy task in addition to requiring a lot of time, effort and devotion. Your decision should be careful considered and agreed with by all channel ops before applying. |