Getting Started on IRC - Sounds and
4.1 - Sounds
First, remember that not all IRC Clients can handle sounds. mIRC is the
most common and can certainly handle sound, some other clients (mostly
for Unix) have great trouble dealing with sounds. Also please remember
that some channels do not allow sounds, and that some sounds may be considered
offensive in some places. Use your common sense and think before playing
a 'dubious' .wav file. The first rule of sounds : - YOU CAN ONLY HEAR
A SOUND IF IT IS ON YOUR COMPUTER. If you stop and think, this makes a
great deal of sense. Sounds are large files and if every sound was automatically
transmitted to everyone on the channel every time it was played, the network
would collapse under the load! To get around this, mIRC sends a sound
request instead of the actual sound. This tells all the other mIRC clients
on the channel to look for that sound on their local computer and play
it if it's there - if it can't find the file on your PC, it cannot play
it so you hear no sound.
The second rule of sounds : YOU NEED TO SET mIRC UP PROPERLY FOR SOUND
TO WORK. Of all the functions of mIRC, sound is probably the single most
troublesome. If your setup is not right, sound simply won't work. To set
it up, follow these steps :
- Go to File and select options
- Click the Sounds tab
- Check the 'Accept Sound Requests' box
- Make sure the two buttons at the bottom of the box show the location
of your sound files. If they don't click on them and change the location.
click ok. In most cases, the sounds will be in c:\mirc\sounds so that
is what the bottom two boxes should read. If you plan on sending your
sounds to other people, you may also want to tick the ' Listen for !nick
file get requests' box. You are now ready to use sounds.
To play a sound use one of these commands :
/sound wavname.wav - this sends the sound request to the WHOLE CHANNEL
/sound nickname soundname.wav - this
sends the sound request to ONE PERSON
Now, of course, you want to get new sounds to add to your collection.
To receive a sound you don't have you type !nickname soundname.wav on
the channel and if the sender has enabled file sending, the file will
be sent to you by DCC. It will go into the directory you specified earlier
for your sounds and it will play every time someone on IRC sends a sound
request for that file name.
3.2 - Colours
Again, please try to remember that not all IRC Clients can deal with colours.
mIRC can, IRCII users (a Unix client) just see garbage or nothing at all.
Also remember that some channels do not allow colour at all and will kick
& ban people who use colours, so use your common sense.
3.3 How to use color in mIRC
It's not really difficult.... to use colours, first hold down the CONTROL
key (Ctrl on most keyboards) then press the letter k On mIRC 5.3 and later,
a box showing all the colours will pop up, for users of earlier versions,
here is the list:
4 : RED
10: TEAL
11 : CYAN
12 : BLUE
Now, type the number of the colour you want your text to be. If you want
a background colour, then add a comma (,) and the the number of the background
colour. Press the space bar and type the rest of your text as normal.
When you hit enter, it will be shown on channel in colour. Also available
are b for bold text, u for underlined text and r
for reversed (white on black) text.